Analyzing Text Organization and Structure
I can explain the relationship between specific parts of a nonfiction text and the overall organization structure of the text.
I can explain the relationship between specific parts of a drama or story and the overall organizational structure of the text.
I can explain the relationship between specific parts of a poem and the overall organizational structure of the text.
Analyzing Ideas and Themes
I can summarize a text by explaining how multiple details work together to communicate the main idea.
I can identify details in a text that develop a theme.
Analyzing Claims, Evidence, And Reasoning
I can identify the claims presented in a text.
I can explain how a claim in a text is supported by reasons and evidence.
Analyzing Narratives
I can compare characters, settings, or events in a narrative text.
I can describe relationships between events in a narrative text.
Analyzing Point of View
I can explain how the narrator's point of view influences descriptions of events in a text.
Comparing Texts
I can compare multiple accounts of the same event of topic.
I can compare how two texts from the same genre approach similar themes and topics.
I can compare English registers or dialects in one or more texts.
Analyzing Language
I can determine the meaning of unknown words and phrases.
I can describe the meaning of common idioms, adages, or proverbs.
I can identify symbolism, metaphors, and imagery in a text.
Generating Text Organization and Structure
I can introduce a topic in an introductory paragraph.
I can use headings and images to signal logical groupings of information.
I can link reasons and evidence or details to main ideas using words, phrases, and clauses.
I can provide a concluding section or paragraph at the end of a text.
Generating Claims, Evidence, and Reasoning
I can state clear claims about a topic or text.
I can provide reasons for the claims that are supported by evidence.
Sources and Research
I can gather information using multiple print and digital sources.
I can integrate information from multiple sources into a text.
Generating Narratives
I can create event sequences that illustrate a clear causal relationship.
I can use descriptive details to develop settings, experiences, character, and events.
I can use dialogue to develop character personality and reactions.
Audience, Purpose, and Task
I can write for the purpose and task described by a prompt.
I can write for the audience identified by a prompt.
I can delete content that does not relate to the thesis or main idea of a draft.
I can separate run-on sentences in a draft.
Parts of Speech
I can use perfect verb tenses and simple verb tenses consistently and accurately.
I can demonstrate the purpose of a variety of conjunctions, including correlative conjunctions.
I can demonstrate the purpose and use of interjections and prepositions.
I can edit for subject/verb agreement and inappropriate shifts in verb tense.
I can edit for correct capitalization.
I can use italics, quotation marks, and underlining to indicate the titles of works.
I can use commas to set off elements of a sentence and to form lists.
I can edit for spelling.