Fifth Grade Math Standards

Multiplication and Division

I can:
Multiply multi-digit whole numbers using the standard algorithm.
Divide multi-digit whole numbers using strategies based on place value, the properties of operations, and the relationship between multiplication nd division.
Use the properties of place value and multiples of 10 to simplify and solve problems.

Fraction Addition and Subtraction

I can:
Add and subtract fractions with unlike denominators using a diagram or model.
Add and subtract fractions with unlike denominators arithmetically.

Fraction Multiplication

I can:
Multiply fractions by fractions using a diagram or model.
Multiply fractions by fractions arithmetically.
Compare the size of a product of fractions to its factors without  calculating the product.

Fraction Division

I can:
Represent the quotient of two whole numbers as a fraction.
Divide a whole number by a unit fraction.
Deivid a unit fraction by a whole number.

Decimal Place Values

I can:
Shift a decimal value in relation to its decimal point by multiplying or dividing it by a power of 10.
Compare decimal values.

Decimal Addition and Subtraction

I can:
Add and subtract decimal values.

Decimal Multiplication and Division

I can:
Multiply decimal values.
Divide decimal values.


I can:
Evaluate whole numbers raised to whole-number powers.
Evaluate expressions involving whole-number powers of 10.

Numerical Expressions

I can:
Evaluate numerical expressions.
Write numerical expressions to represent verbal descriptions and word problems. 

Numerical Patterns

I can:
Analyze the relationships between numerical patterns.
Use a coordinate plane to analyze the relationships between numerical patterns.

Measurement Conversions

I can:
Convert between measurement units with in the US customary system.
Convert between measurement units within the metric system.


I can:
Determine the volume of right rectangular prisms by packing them with unit cubes.
Calculate the volume of right rectangular prisms arithmetically.
Calculate the volume of three-dimensional figures composed of right rectangular prisms.

Two-Dimensional Figures

I can:
Classify two-dimensional figures based on their properties.
Construct two-dimensional figures from a given set of properties.

Coordinate Plane

I can:
Graph points on a coordinate plane.
Use a coordinate plane to solve problems.