I can:
Decode unfamiliar words using context clues, roots and affixes, and syllabication patterns.
Read aloud accurately and fluently.
Analyzing Text Organization and Structure
I can:
Describe the organizational structure of a text.
Explain how text features and visual or multimedia presentations of information help organize a text.
Text Features
I can:
Use headings, formatting, and other text features to help the audience understand a text's ideas.
Text Types
I can:
Compare poems, fictional prose, nonfiction prose,m and dramas.
Write an informational text.
Analyzing Ideas and Themes
I can:
Summarize a text by describing its main idea and related details.
Identify a theme in a text.
Analyzing Claims, Evidence, and Reasoning
I can:
Explain how reasons and evidence support an author's opinion.
Analyzing Narratives
I can:
Describe a character, event, or setting using specific details from a narrative text.
Analyzing Point of View
I can:
Describe a character, event or setting using specific details from a narrative text.
Comparing Texts
I can:
Compare a firsthand and secondhand account of the same event topic.
Compare a visual or oral representation of a text to the source text.
Compare two myths from different cultures
Analyzing Words
I can:
Use context clues and text resources to determine the meaning of domain-specific and academic vocabulary.
Explain the relationships between synonyms, antonyms and homophones.
Analyzing Language
I can:
Describe the purpose of similes and metaphors.
Generating Text Organization and Structure
I can:
Introduce a topic by providing relevant background information.
Group related information into paragraphs or sections.
Use words and phrases to link details to a topic or claim.
Conclude a topic by explaining why it is important.
Generating Claims, Evidence and Reasoning
I can:
State an opinion and clear reasons for that opinion.
Give evidence to support an opinion, answer, or inference.
Sources and Research
I can:
Gather information about a particular topic from two texts.
Explain specific concepts, procedures, or events in nonfiction texts.
Generating Narratives
I can:
Organize the events in a narrative chronologically or logically, using transitions to indicate order.
Use descriptive language to convey events and character experiences in a narrative.
Use dialogue to convey a narratives conflict or problem.
I can:
Combine sentences to add complexity to a draft.
Clarify a draft's main ideas and focus.
Parts of Speech
I can:
Use modal auxiliary verbs correctly.
Use progressive verb tenses correctly.
Use relative adverbs and pronouns correctly.
Order adjectives in a sentence correctly.
I can:
Edit for subject/verb agreement and the use of double negatives.
Edit for capitalization.
Edit punctuation so that it accurately expresses meaning and follows standard punctuation rules.
Edit for spelling.