Place Value
I can:
Convert multi-digit whole numbers between forms.
Compare multi-digit whole numbers using <, >, and = symbols.
Addition and Subtraction
I can:
Add multi-digit whole numbers using the standard algorithm to solve real-word.
Subtract multi-digit whole numbers using the standard algorithm to solve real-world problems.
I can:
Multiply multi-digit whole numbers.
Solve word problems involving multiplicative comparisons.
I can:
Find the quotients of division problems with multi-digit whole number dividends and single-digit whole-number divisors.
Solve division problems involving quotients with remainders.
Factors and Multiples
I can:
Find factors pairs and multiples of numbers under 100.
Equivalent Fractions
I can:
Generate equivalent fractions using models or diagrams.
Generate equivalent fractions arithmetically.
Compare fractions with different numerators and denominators.
Fraction Addition and Subtraction
I can:
Solve problems involving the addition and subtraction of fractions with like denominators.
Solve problems involving the addition and subtraction of mixed numbers with like denominators.
Fraction Multiplication
I can:
Solve problems involving the multiplication of fractions with whole numbers.
Decimal Fractions
I can:
Add fractions with unlike denominators that are powers of 10.
Convert between values and fractions with denominators that are powers of 10.
Compare decimal values to hundredths.
I can:
Analyze the features of numerical patterns
Analyze the features of geometric patterns.
Measurement Conversions
I can:
Express measurements in a given unit in terms of a smaller unit within the same measurement system.
Solve problems involving measurements of length, mass, liquid volume, time, and money expressed in different units.
Area and Perimeter
I can:
Calculate perimeters, areas, and unknown side lengths of rectangles.
Solve problems involving the perimeter and area formulas for retangles.
Two-Dimensional Figures
I can:
Classify two-dimensional figures according to the properties of their lines and angles.
Identify line symmetry and rotational symmetry in two-dimensional figures.
Describe rigid transformations of two-dimensional figures.
I can:
Identify the measure of a given angle.
Draw angles of a specified measure.
Calculate the measures of unknown angles.
I can:
Sketch points, lines, line segments, and rays.
Sketch parallel and perpendicular lines.